Business & Community

Search startups in Neuss to discover a frustrating mix of results is delivered. Most are old, some new, large or small and paywall protected. The fact is, startups are alive and well in the city and help is at hand.
Startups are founded constantly and some are being created by expats. A good place to start may be the county’s page (available with AI translation) where information and services to support much of the process can be found or the city’s economic development pages on the topic. A grasp of the German language will definitely be beneficial.
Monthly meetings are organised by StartupDorf on the Meetup platform offer networking options with like-minded entrepreneurs in neighbouring Düsseldorf.
Information on founding a business or creating a company can be sourced at the economic development office of the city of Neuss and the state government of NRW.
By Vincent Green / Apr 16 2024

Planes from many destinations land and depart in Düsseldorf. The airport is a mere fifteen kilometres north east of Neuss. The airport is reached predictably and directly by local train, S-Bahn, within forty minutes from the local station.
The city guide for expats
Amazing Capitals Neuss is a fresh and informative location guide full of insights for expats. It is dedicated to helping international professionals make choices, settle and participate in Neuss, the city on the Rhine with Roman and medieval origins.