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Tap water in Neuss possesses such a high quality that it does not require chlorine. The water is treated and cleaned through an extensive process on its way to the consumer. By then it is highly drinkable and virtually tasteless.

Its quality lies way above statutory regulations so, while Germans like to drink large quantities of mineral water, expats fortunately do not need to carry water home in plastic bottles.

Stadtwerke Neuss GmbH
Moselstrasse 25-27
41464 Neuss
+49 2131 531 0135

Home & Family

Water in Neuss

Wash basin

The tap water in Neuss possesses such a high quality that it does not need to be chlorinated. The oldest waterworks (Wasserwerk) in Neuss was built between 1911 and 1914 in the city woods (Stadtwald). Even when it was taken into service it operated fully automatically.

On its way to the consumer, water is treated and cleaned through an extensive process. By then it is highly drinkable. Some of the water in Neuss is supplied by neighbouring companies. The Stadtwerke Neuss consults with local farmers in an attempt to stem the rise of nitrates.

While in many countries such as France, Spain and USA serving tap water with espresso or meals comes naturally, a waiter in Germany may appear somewhat dumbfounded when asked for a glass here. Tap water and German cafes or restaurants are mutually exclusive but persistence always works. Since Germans generally drink mineral water (Mineralwasser) and mostly sparkling, ordering a still water (stilles Wasser) will probably result in a glass of bottled water. Asking for tap water (Leitungswasser) is more precise and should lead to the desired result, if that is the case.

Expats interested in historical Valencia can click to view a wonderful collection of images. Dating back over a century, the portfolio was created as part of the 125 year anniversary of Grupo Aguas de Valencia.

Story DeiaGreg, Image & Words Global Omnium, Aug 27 2018

Global Omnium S.L.

GV Marqués del Túria, 19
46005 València

+34 963 860 600


As most expat residents may have noticed, Manises airport is comfortably close to Valencia capital. Planes are often visible performing their gentle descent on final approach in the skies south east of the city centre.


Recycling starts in the home. Aiming to save important resources, the Germans are famous for having one of the most logical and efficient recycling systems in the world. Various coloured bins are available at home and in the streets.