Business & Community
Doing business in Germany as a whole is fairly straightforward. So too in Neuss. It can also be can be a surprising journey of discovery. An early decision frequently needs to be made concerning registration.
Choices include being a regulated freelancer, Freiberufler or self-employed, Selbständiger, incurring registration of a business and paying relevant business taxes. Or to create a so-called small limited company, kleine GmbH or UG, or a fully fledged limited company, GmbH or Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung.
Many processes such as registering a business, Gewerbe, can be performed online. Those working with just one or a minute number of clients can run the risk of categorised as performing fictitious self-employment, Scheinselbständigkeit.
The formation and acceptance of startups have increased exponentially over the last couple of decades. The German business environment can still be sceptical if proof of a longer track record is not forthcoming. General business acumen is relatively conservative and more stand-offish than in say, the US, Britain or the Netherlands.
An early agreement with clients on the method of completing contracts is as wise as clarification of payment terms. Proof of fiscal residency is seldom requested nor official proof of company registration. Value added tax, VAT known as Umsatzsteuer, USt, compliancy is highly important, especially for EU cross border activities.
Many aspects of the journey are highly rewarding. Getting to know each other takes time, progress often flows through intermittent phases. Interaction is friendly, polite, courteous, committal isoften generous and mostly straightforward on the path to an ultimate and clearly defined goal. Clients demand quality.
Information, advice and support can be available from the economic development offices of the city of Neuss and the state government of NRW.
By Vincent Green / Apr 16 2024
Planes from many destinations land and depart in Düsseldorf. The airport is a mere fifteen kilometres north east of Neuss. The airport is reached predictably and directly by local train, S-Bahn, within forty minutes from the local station.
Recycling starts in the home. Aiming to save important resources, the Germans are famous for having one of the most logical and efficient recycling systems in the world. Various coloured bins are available at home and in the streets.
The city guide for expats
Amazing Capitals Neuss is a fresh and informative location guide full of insights for expats. It is dedicated to helping international professionals make choices, settle and participate in Neuss, the city on the Rhine with Roman and medieval origins.