Business & Community

Business centres and serviced offices were available in Germany long before coworking became a buzzword for sharing professional spaces. Today, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and startups have the option of several various locations, styles and services to choose from.
Coworking providers may also offer more interactive concepts with added benefits such a gym, shower, recreational facilities, yoga, a restaurant, power nap or chill zones. Try CoBüroNeuss, Cowone, First Choice, Ideengeberhaus or Sleevesup. Minimum rental periods may vary between one one or two hours, a day or one to three months.
Flexible Alternative
Consider the parents of young children, especially those arriving from abroad. A highly structured and regulated Germany leaves expat parents especially at a loss. Even in today’s society, normally one parent has been relocated and the other, more often than not, it is the mother who has to cope alone.
Add chaotic circumstances surrounding kindergarden spaces and options for care of even younger family members. The legal right to place a child in kindergarden is often misleading and private childcare givers are understandably more interested in calculable and predictable commitments.
Expats don’t always fit the mould and arrive long after the dice have been rolled. Being a parent can thus restrict the ability of women, and occasionally men, to deal with everyday necessities. They may wish to learn the language, have their professional qualifications recognised and also work. This all takes time and flexibility.
Kiwifalter in nearby Düsseldorf facilitates flexible support for expat parents and their young loved ones. Their concept helps combine family and work more effectively. From coworking spaces with flexible childcare to vacation camps and children’s birthday parties, services are designed to relieve everyday pressures. Their unique family hub also includes a coffee bar.
By Vincent Green / Aug 7 2024

Planes from many destinations land and depart in Düsseldorf. The airport is a mere fifteen kilometres north east of Neuss. The airport is reached predictably and directly by local train, S-Bahn, within forty minutes from the local station.

Recycling starts in the home. Aiming to save important resources, the Germans are famous for having one of the most logical and efficient recycling systems in the world. Various coloured bins are available at home and in the streets.
The city guide for expats
Amazing Capitals Neuss is a fresh and informative location guide full of insights for expats. It is dedicated to helping international professionals make choices, settle and participate in Neuss, the city on the Rhine with Roman and medieval origins.