
Located at the river Erft, a path of a few hundred metres long inspires visitors to walk barefoot for an entirely new experience. A rather unconventional way of taking a stroll, combining the phenomenon of wellbeing and walking.
Following the invitation to remove shoes and socks leaves the weary to then walk over seventeen different surfaces. Gravel, mussel shells and stones, to name just a few examples, take turns with soft sand and soil to provide relaxation for “tired and spoiled city feet.”
Besides the unusual sensational experience, walking barefoot is said to be good for the circulation and muscles, thus contributing to an overall feeling of wellbeing. The barefoot path is located at the Berghäuschensweg in Neuss.
Discussions are currently ongoing to create a pathway that loops around Neuss following the footprint of the medieval walls. Meanwhile, enjoy the walkways along the canal, spaces near the Rhine and tracking down many ancient buildings in the city.
By Vincent Green, Mar 15 2020
Verkehrsverein der Stadt Neuss am Rhein e.V.
Oberstrasse 7-9
41460 Neuss
+49 2132 908 301

Barely a week goes by without an event or activity happening in Neuss. Two major annual events take place here every year that have attained both national and international renown. Choose authentic performances at the Shakespeare Festival or powerful emotional displays at the International Dance Weeks.

Happenings can vary from celebrations to mark an opening or anniversary to a market or a one off concert. The community is quick to pick up on such events, creating gatherings large and small.