
Ease of entering and staying in Neuss in the west of Germany depends upon nationality. Most EU nationals benefit from general legislation within the European Union, for others, freedom of movement and settlement is not quite so simple.
The much used phrase “Freedom of Movement” within the EU is just that and possible without a visa. However, everyone who wishes to remain or work in a country other than that of their own nationality, must register with the authorities if their stay exceeds ninety days. The local registration office, Bürgeramt, will then issue a residency permit. This holds true for all EU citizens wishing to relocate and settle in Neuss.
Most other foreigners from outside the European Union need a Schengen visa but may under certain circumstances be able to move freely within the EU once they do.
Non EU nationals wishing to run a business or take up employment in Germany need to apply for a visa to enter the country. This is intended for stays of ninety days or more. Generally speaking, there are many exceptions and specific regulations depending on the nationality of the person applying.
Residency and settlement permits are complex topics, again depending upon nationality. As of March 2020 the Federal Government is rushing to align the requirements of the business community to the loosening of traditional restrictions. Stay up to date with central resources, unfortunately in German at the time of writing.
By Vincent Green, Mar 11 2020
Bürger- und Ordnungsamt Neuss
Markt 2
41460 Neuss
+49 2132 903 232

Trams run through the centre of Neuss, connecting to the overground and underground system. Modern and clean local buses run across a widespread network.

Recycling starts in the home. Aiming to save important resources, the Germans are famous for having one of the most logical and efficient recycling systems in the world. Various coloured bins are available at home and in the streets.
Head to the movies
English language movies are fortunately to be found in Neuss. Expats can view films from time to time in two cinemas. Screenings are occasionally in OV, original version or original with subtitles, OmU.