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When moving to a new home in Neuss, regulations need to be followed. Germany has rules for everything and, as they themselves say, if it isn’t regulated then it’s not permitted. A few other insights, information and knowledge may serve to make the transition smoother during relocation.

German folk are as unique as any nationality. Society and Folk reflects upon the host country and give hints about customs and habits. Service and tipping or behaviours such as nudity and jaywalking enable understanding. Getting around in the city is as important as is knowing more about the chosen location of Neuss and its city topics. 

Knowing where to find others in a similar situation may be important when socialising as well as discovering what is going on throughout the year in the city. Then, of course, discovering the most enjoyable places to drink coffee and to go out in general rank high on the list of things to do in Neuss.

The publisher of Amazing Capitals Neuss as well as the Mayor and his administration wish you well and a thoroughly enjoyable stay.

By Vincent Green, Mar 11 2020

Bürger- und Ordnungsamt Neuss

Markt 2
41460 Neuss

+49 2132 903 232


Anyone who has experienced the hospitality offered by this society knows this country and its folk have changed very much over recent years. Neuss is as a whole peaceful and its citizens are mostly generous and laid back.


Trams run through the centre of Neuss, connecting to the overground and underground system. Modern and clean local buses run across a widespread network.

Head to the movies

English language movies are fortunately to be found in Neuss. Expats can view films from time to time in two cinemas. Screenings are occasionally in OV, original version or original with subtitles, OmU.

Movie theatre