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The Catholic community is very visible in Neuss, forming the largest religious group with more than one third of residents belonging to the Roman Catholic Church. Protestants make up the second largest group and have done so for a very long period of time.

A large influx of migrant workers became Germany’s expats from several Islamic countries during the 1960’s, 1970’s and beyond. Most of the people from such places as Turkey, Morocco and Iran.

Many remained and nowadays Islam is the third largest religious group in Neuss. Several mosques and religious centres have been built over the years and are firmly established.

A few smaller groups are also present and the number of Jewish citizens is increasing steadily in the cities and communities of the Neuss region. English language services are seldom but do occur. A stronger English church congregation is located in neighbouring Düsseldorf too.

The Anglican Mission of Saint Thomas

The Anglican Mission in Neuss welcomes English speakers of all nationalities to join them at their services. English language Holy Communion services are held on the second Sunday of each month at the Sacred Heart Chapel in Neuss. Also in Mönchengladbach and Amern.

Anglicanism is part of a large family of faiths that have descended from the English Church. Characteristics are biblical, liturgical, sacramental, missional, historical, international.

Am Stadtarchiv 10a
41460 Neuss
+49 163 269 1522

The city guide for expats

Amazing Capitals Neuss is a fresh and informative location guide full of insights for expats. It is dedicated to helping international professionals make choices, settle and participate in Neuss, the city on the Rhine with Roman and medieval origins.