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Two different types of statutory holidays exist in Germany, either religious or political. Some of them are nationwide while others are to be found only in certain federal states. If the fixed date falls on a Sunday for instance, then that day off is lost for most of the workforce, since the day is free anyway. Celebrations that are not free days include Thanksgiving, Erntedankfest, St Martins, Halloween and St Nicolas. Regional vacations that include Carneval Rose Monday Rosenmontag in North Rhine Westphalia.
Political holidays are fixed to a date and include Labour Day, which is officially called “day of the confession of freedom and peace, social justice, national reconciliation and human dignity”. Unification Day is another. Since 1990, October 3 is celebrated as Day of German Unification because this was the year when the reunion of East and West Germany became effective after 40 years of separation throughout the Cold War.
Religious holidays are notable in that both Protestant and Catholic celebrations receive equal representation throughout Germany. Protestant and Catholic Christian belief stamped most holidays, such as Easter, All Saint’s or Christmas. Other festivities have more pagan or rural origins. These holidays follow the church calendar. Dates include:
January 1
New Year, NeujahrMarch or April variable
Good Friday, KarfreitagMarch or April variable
Easter Monday, OstermontagMay 1
Labour Day, MaifeiertagMay or June variable
Ascension Day, Christi HimmelfahrtJune variable
Whit Monday, PfingstmontagJune variable
Corpus Christi, FronleichnamOctober 3
Unification Day, Tag der Deutschen EinheitNovember 1
All Saint’s Day, AllerheiligenDecember 25
Christmas Day, 1. WeihnachtstagDecember 26
Boxing Day, 2. Weihnachtstag
By Vincent Green / Feb 29 2020

Germans, on the whole, love and respect pets and are friendly towards dogs. Dogs are permitted on public transport and inside restaurants but keeping a pet on a leash is a must. Dog ownership is highly regulated and taxed through a compulsory licence fee. .

The cost of electricity is not normally included in the additional charges, Nebenkosten, when renting a house or flat in Neuss nor Germany. Prices are high and unfortunately power has long been sourced from open cast mines, which is damaging to us all.
The city guide for expats
Amazing Capitals Neuss is a fresh and informative location guide full of insights for expats. It is dedicated to helping international professionals make choices, settle and participate in Neuss, the city on the Rhine with Roman and medieval origins.