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February 27 - March 2 2025

The Carnival season in Neuss is a serious affair. What started off with a few local guys in 1846 as the Kappenzug (Cap Procession) has developed today into the highlight of Kappessonntag (Nonsense Sunday). The procession nowadays is well organised, popular and travels from the Oberstrasse through many streets. Afterwards, the city is alive with joyous celebrations on the Markt in the centre of town.

The season though is much longer, starting on November 11 each year with crazed and excites women raiding city hall and taking over the mayor’s office. It continues through the big day of the aforementioned Kappessonntag (Nonsense Sunday) with huge processions. Rosenmontag (Rose Monday) is quieter here than elsewhere and the end is marked by Aschermittwoch (Ash Wednesday) sometime in February or March. This depends on the moons cycle.

Universal passion

Some eighteen local carnival organisations and clubs can be found in Neuss. They are all highly active either preparing for carnival, enjoying carnival, recovering from carnival or planning the next one.

They organise such get-togethers as Schinkenessen (ham eating), Hoppeditz-Erwachen (Hoppeditz Awakening) and massive carnival meetings, some solely for the ladies. Altweiber (Old Ladies Night) celebrations are held on the Thursday prior to Kappessonntag. They should not be missed by anyone who enjoys such festivities. Gentlemen, watch your ties! Like it or not, women will grab a pair of scissors and celebrate their souvenir.

The carnival fanatics also elect a Prinzenpaar (Prince and Princess) and have many sponsors, some small, some heavy duty major players, because this is also big business.

By Vincent Green, Jan 3 2022

Karnevalsausschuss Neuss e.V.

Frankenstrasse 60
41462 Neuss

+49 2132 805 91

Girls dancing


Happenings can vary from celebrations to mark an opening or anniversary to a market or a one off concert. The community is quick to pick up on such events, creating gatherings large and small.


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